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“Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is” Albert Camus, The Rebel


Program Head: Dr. Nimrod Tal


The REGEV program (Hebrew acronym for "Think Big") at Kibbutzim College of Education is committed to fostering free-spirited, independent, professionally conscious educators dedicated to applying their knowledge and concept of good education to shaping their surroundings in a present and future liberal democratic society.

At the core of the studies program, uniquely designed to this end, is allowing the students maximum autonomy in shaping their training and professional identity to suit their aspirations, worldview, and personality, with close guidance from the program's senior staff.

By developing professionally, the program and its graduates will serve as role models and leaders in advancing education in Israeli society, ultimately fostering free-thinking individuals.


The Program and I

The program participants design their studies individually to fit their intellectual aspirations, educational views, and goals as humans and educators interacting with their social, cultural, and political environment. This approach aims to allow for building an authentic and dynamic educational-professional identity that would be relevant to the current reality.

At the program's heart stand active students, building their educational-professional identity in critical reflective ways. Along with providing a solid theoretical and intellectual basis, the program offers a rich, flexible space where the participants can select content, tools, and experiences that suit them, with close guidance by the program's senior staff.

The program underscores interaction with other program participants, present-day society, human experiences throughout history, and the natural environment as part of personal development. Encounters with inspiring educators, educational tours and workshops as part of the course curriculum, and other such activities, ensure that the learners engage in a productive dialogue with their surroundings.


REGEV's Excellence Concept

The program's concept of excellence is multifaceted, including academic excellence, educational professionalism, and social commitment. While aspiring for the highest standards in each, the program highlights three interconnected aspects of excellence: Choice-making, responsibility, and change-leading.

Choice-making is a central feature of excellence, given that excellence opens a variety of options that would not have existed otherwise, carrying the right and obligation to make choices, including, for example, the choice to work in education or to join REGEV.

Personal excellence also demands taking responsibility for the choice to engage in education and constant reflection on the profession's status from a broader perspective. This includes social responsibility for advancing the profession and its environment through proactive leadership.

Indeed, the program's third aspect of excellence is leading change, both personal and social. Outstanding individuals who make responsible choices must look at reality critically, take a position, and lead change to improve it.

Thus, in the Kibbutzim College of Education REGEV program, excellence means choosing education, assuming responsibility for training and advancing education in the college and across Israel, and commitment to lead change through education to improve society. 


Who are the program's participants?

Students who enter the program arrive from various academic tracks in the college, forming a learning, thinking, and supportive community. The program attracts interested individuals motivated by curiosity and passion for education who wish to be part of a quality group that offers a productive and inclusive environment during and after the study period as part of the national "Think Big" graduates' network.


What can I expect?

Personal development *

Close personal guidance by the program staff *

* Interdisciplinary studies that bring together students from different academic tracks and prepare them to become educational influencers in the education system and the community

* Unique two-semester courses on Thursdays, 16:00-19:00, establishing an advanced theoretical and intellectual infrastructure

* Non-traditional learning and development frameworks. With us, you will learn differently!

* Tours combining better acquaintance with Israeli society and inspiring educational and cultural centers

* An opportunity to initiate and implement consciousness-arousing educational processes to deal with various central social issues in the college and beyond it

* Personal tutoring and guidance, both academic and to enhance identity development and building

* Collaboration with academic institutes abroad

* Tutoring and personal guidance before entering school and preschool teaching


Why choose REGEV?

Ministry of Education Honors:

* A scholarship covering three-years' tuition as a conditional loan.

* An annual 5,000 NIS scholarship for each of three years' participation in the TBE social engagement program, in collaboration with Mif'al HaPais

* Completing the degree studies program in three years (instead of four).

* Optional enrollment in post-graduate studies at the college on the third year of study.


College Honors:

* Four-year studies' program

* Students of this track study in the program as one group with the Ministry of Education Honors track.

* A three-year 2,500 NIS tuition reduction beginning in the second year of studies.

* Optional enrollment in post-graduate studies at the college on the third years of study.

REGEV International

REGEV adopts the principle that personal development, particularly educational-professional one, must lean on links, connections, and dialogues with other institutes around the world. The program will act to expand and deepen its collaboration with other institutes worldwide and incorporate international components into as many spheres as possible.